Monday 6 January 2014

Civil Aviation Signed a Contract With a Local Company to Install Air Bridges at Baghdad Airport

Baghdad announced that the Ministry of Transport, Sunday, has signed a contract with a local company to erect six bridges air at Baghdad International Airport, indicating that the cost of the contract amounted to more than seven million dinars. 

The ministry said in a statement it issued today, and received "Alsumaria News" , a copy of "The General Establishment of Civil Aviation signed a contract with my Air processing, installation and operation of six bridges air at Baghdad International Airport,

Sunday 5 January 2014

The Largest Stock of Global Imports 8 Million Liters of Fuel Per Day

Baghdad / Iraq News Network: attributed the decision to the Commission on oil and energy parliamentary Qassim Mohammed Qasim Hmokhta Iraq continues to import petroleum products for domestic consumption due to the lack of refineries and conquer the actual need of the country

And said Hmokhta "The mismanagement and neglect and corruption are the real reasons behind the delay in the implementation of the refineries, four in ( Kirkuk, Karbala, Nasiriyah and Maysan), which was expected to begin implementation of a year ago, meet the local need of petroleum products in the country.

Saturday 4 January 2014

The Application of The Customs Tariff Law With The Beginning of The New Year

Iraq included among economies because of its reliance monounsaturated which is almost to be fully on one source of income in the formation of the national oil is. Despite the efforts being made ​​to develop other sectors such as agriculture and industry, the contribution to the national income is still negligible contribution. 

One of the biggest obstacles to the advancement of the industrial and agricultural sectors opening up the Iraqi market without controls as part of a free economy, which was officially adopted by the Iraqi state.  inflicted and the flow of goods and cheap goods, including extensive damage to the rest of the industry and local agriculture. National product remained without protection against the competition of imported goods which have various forms of support in their own countries.  prepared about this situation three years ago, the customs tariff law was intended to regulate the indiscriminate import and find the source of flows into the state treasury revenues are important.

Thursday 2 January 2014

Economic Parliamentary Confirm That The Government Will Send a Budget to The House of Representatives Next Saturday

Tomorrow's Press / Baghdad confirmed the Economic Committee in the House of Representatives, on Thursday, said the government will send a general budget bill to parliament next Saturday, noting that it is estimated at 150 billion dollars, of which 60% of the operating budget and 40% of the investment deficit of between $ 20-25 billion dollars. 

A member of the Economic Commission MP Khalil Mahma for "tomorrow's Press," "The government has informed the House that it would send the federal budget for the year 2014 on Saturday after the completion of modifications and changes in it," he underlined that "Parliament will be in front of a national task in order to avoid all problems for the adoption of the budget as soon as possible.

Iraq's Oil Exports Rise to More Than 72 Million Barrels Over The Past Month

Tomorrow's Press / Baghdad: Oil Ministry announced on Thursday for Iraq's oil exports rise to more than 72 million barrels and revenue increased about seven billion dollars over the past month.

He said ministry spokesman Assem Jihad for "tomorrow's Press," that "Iraqi oil exports for the month of December last amounted to 72,000,574 barrels and an average of 2.341 million barrels per day, compared to November which exports amounted to a 71.43 million barrels and an average of 2,000,843 barrels every day. "

Wednesday 1 January 2014

Iraq’s Most Economical Developed Countries in The World

BAGHDAD – Hussein al-Tamimi Tgb examine a number of specialists in economic affairs form the program of economic and political characteristics of the next government, and stand at the most important challenges that confuse the reality of work, stressing the importance of the adoption of the program of good governance and its impact on the development of all aspects of life in country came during a workshop organized by the Iraqi Institute for Economic Reform.

Balanced development, Dr. full dentex presented his paper, which included a brief history of the Iraqi economy and the factors influencing the control of the oil sector to the GDP and where the paper concluded the need to plan means to achieve a balanced development and the need to adopt economic programs and include the owners of efficiency and qualification fair for the implementation of the programs.

Linking The Budget Five Year Plan to Support Investment

BAGHDAD (the news) .. Said economic expert Majid picture, the need to link the annual budget of the state five-year plan for economic development to support and develop the movement of Iraqi investment. 

Said the picture (of the Agency news): that the Iraqi constitution and the law, financial management, public debt, emphasizes the need to link the annual budget of the government’s plan of economic development, noting that it is the beginning of the change until now is not tied budget development plans.

Continued: It is known that the development plans issued after four or five months from the beginning of the year, where the plan was executed in 2010 in the fifth month of the year and the plan in 2013 after four months , noting that this period is evidence that he does not have any indication of a link budget development plans.